Finding Aid
Collection Name: Rudolph H. Blythe Papers
Room/Shelf-Row: 101C/B-5 & C-1 Box Label: Rudolph H. Blythe Papers
Type of materials (papers/notebooks/photos/etc.): papers, photos, certificates, newspaper clippings
Quantity (linear feet): 1 ft
Description (briefly describe what is included):
Rudolph H. Blythe, class of 1931, is best known for his invention of time-release capsules. He was also nominated for a Nobel Prize, founded the Pharmaceutical Research division of SmithKline & French, and established the Rudolph and Dorothy Blythe Research Fund at ACPHS in 2000 with a gift of $1 million.
Among other things, this collection includes a copy of his patent for time-release capsules, awards, speeches, certificates, photos, and articles. Also, a Board of Pharmacy State of Florida Registered Pharmacist certificate is located in the oversized storage.
Arrangement (alphabetical/chronological/etc.): Chronological
Contents per box (folder labels & number of folders per label):