Collection Name: Old Photos of ACP Students/Faculty/Buildings
Room/Shelf-Row: 101C/C-2&3 Box Label: (varies- 9 boxes)
Type of materials (papers/notebooks/photos/etc.): Photos
Dates: 1883 – 2000s
Quantity (linear feet): 4.5 ft
Description (briefly describe what is included):
Pictures of students and faculty dating far back to the 1880’s when the college first opened. Photo of alumni events (banquets, phonathons, golf tournaments), from the 1990’s – early 2000’s. Some are labeled with names of alumni and faculty. Most photos are not dated.
Arrangement (alphabetical/chronological/etc.): Chronological
Contents per box (folder labels & number of folders per label):
- Box 1: “Photos ACP Alumni Events, Phonathons, Golf Tournaments, Etc” (C-2) – 1990’s – early 2000s
- 2 folders
- Golf tournaments
- Alumni phonathon events
- Box 2: “ACP photos Asst college events, board meetings, graduations, etc” (C-2) – 1990s – 2000s
- Photos of college events, board meetings, and graduations from 1990s -2000s
- Box 3: “ACP Photos” (C-2) – 2000s
- SU event, rho chi event, alumni awards, alumni banquet, president Gozzo event, commencement, Dr. Levin, preceptor, post-grad party, Dean McLevan, Phonathon, Pres. Scholar, Armarite Cerro, Senator Shomer, golf, dinners
- Box 4: “ACP mounted photos” (C-2)
- Mounted photos of labs and for college catalogue
- Bill Crorrin
- Eli Lilly (1948) class visit
- Box 5: “ACP Historical Photos” (C-3)
- 1926 building photos
- Dean Miller
- Box 6: “ACP and ACPHS MISC” (C-3)
- Box 7: “ACP historical documents 1881” (C-3)
- Copies of:
- Incorporation 1881
- Trustees by laws 1881
- Faculty by laws 1881
- Land ordinance for 1926 building
- Box 8: “Class photos of 1886, 1883, 1912, 1922, 1954, …” (C-3) – 1880s – 1990s
- (no folder)
- Class of 1922 individuals
- Photos of Dr. Warble
- Photos of Dr. Cunningham
- Class of 1924 group photo
- Class of 1959 group photo
- 14 folders
- Class of 1883
- Class of 1886
- Class of 1888
- Class of 1912
- Edward J Wheeler
- Photos – random yearbook and misc.
- Photos – students 1880’s & 1912
- ACP Sports Photographs – yearbook negative prints
- Photos included in Post Script
- ACP Class of 1985
- Drawings/photos of buildings
- Group photos – 1931, 1949, 1950
- Gov. Cuomo, Dean Mansfield, Samuel Engel
- Graduation photos 1991
- Box 9: “ACP Photos” (C-3)
- College events, graduation, etc
- Many not dated or labeled