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Byrnes '34 Archives Finding Aids

The Byrnes '34 Archives collects, preserves, and makes accessible materials relating to the history of Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. This guide provides insight into what the Archives holds in its collections.

Collection Name: Old Photos of ACP Students/Faculty/Buildings

Room/Shelf-Row: 101C/C-2&3 Box Label: (varies- 9 boxes)


Type of materials (papers/notebooks/photos/etc.): Photos

Dates: 1883 – 2000s

Quantity (linear feet): 4.5 ft

Description (briefly describe what is included):

             Pictures of students and faculty dating far back to the 1880’s when the college first opened. Photo of alumni events (banquets, phonathons, golf tournaments), from the 1990’s – early 2000’s. Some are labeled with names of alumni and faculty. Most photos are not dated.

Arrangement (alphabetical/chronological/etc.): Chronological

Contents per box (folder labels & number of folders per label):

  • Box 1: “Photos ACP Alumni Events, Phonathons, Golf Tournaments, Etc” (C-2) – 1990’s – early 2000s
    • 2 folders
      • Golf tournaments
      • Alumni phonathon events
  • Box 2: “ACP photos Asst college events, board meetings, graduations, etc” (C-2) – 1990s – 2000s
    • Photos of college events, board meetings, and graduations from 1990s -2000s
  • Box 3: “ACP Photos” (C-2) – 2000s
    • SU event, rho chi event, alumni awards, alumni banquet, president Gozzo event, commencement, Dr. Levin, preceptor, post-grad party, Dean McLevan, Phonathon, Pres. Scholar, Armarite Cerro, Senator Shomer, golf, dinners
  • Box 4: “ACP mounted photos” (C-2)
    • Mounted photos of labs and for college catalogue
    • Bill Crorrin
    • Eli Lilly (1948) class visit
  • Box 5: “ACP Historical Photos” (C-3)
    • 1926 building photos
    • Dean Miller
  • Box 6: “ACP and ACPHS MISC” (C-3)
    • Events, faculty, etc
  • Box 7: “ACP historical documents 1881” (C-3)
    • Copies of:
      • Incorporation 1881
      • Trustees by laws 1881
      • Faculty by laws 1881
      • Land ordinance for 1926 building
  • Box 8: “Class photos of 1886, 1883, 1912, 1922, 1954, …” (C-3) – 1880s – 1990s
    • (no folder)
      • Class of 1922 individuals
      • Photos of Dr. Warble
      • Photos of Dr. Cunningham
      • Class of 1924 group photo
      • Class of 1959 group photo
    • 14 folders
      • Class of 1883
      • Class of 1886
      • Class of 1888
      • Class of 1912
      • Edward J Wheeler
      • Photos – random yearbook and misc.
      • Photos – students 1880’s & 1912
      • ACP Sports Photographs – yearbook negative prints
      • Photos included in Post Script
      • ACP Class of 1985
      • Drawings/photos of buildings
      • Group photos – 1931, 1949, 1950
      • Gov. Cuomo, Dean Mansfield, Samuel Engel
      • Graduation photos 1991
  • Box 9: “ACP Photos” (C-3)
    • College events, graduation, etc
    • Many not dated or labeled