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Center for Innovative Learning: National Distance Learning Week

November 2020

National Distance Learning Week 2020

From Surviving to Thriving: Rocking the New Normal

The National Virtual Conference

National Distance Learning Week is held every year by the US Distance Learning Association. You can sign up for their event and its sessions through their website. To learn more, including their schedule of events, visit their site!

Many professional organizations, schools, and other groups offer great sessions during this week. We have compiled a list of some of the best we’ve found, from our neighbors at SUNY all the way down to our colleagues in Texas and as far west as Hawaii!

Monday, Novmeber 9th

Opening Keynote: 2020 USDLA NDLW Welcome

Time: 11:00 am EST

Link: (you must register for this event)

Constructing Online Collaboratories: Approaching to Building Community Remotely (presentation)

Time: 1:00 PM EST

Link: (you must register for this event)

Cultivating and Maintaining a Learning Community in Online Classes

Time: 3:00PM EST

Link: Attend this Webinar

Tuesday, November 10th

Creating Social and Emotional Presence in Online Classes

Time: 10:00EST


What Everyone Needs to Know about Accessibility in Distance Learning (panel discussion)

Time 11:00 am EST

Link: (you must register for this event)

My Normal +1: Manageable Microchanges that Move Us

** Note: Requires Signing Up Ahead of Time

Time: 12:30 PM


Academic Dishonesty in the Online Learning Environment

Time: 3:00 PM EST


Wednesday, November 11th

Using the Best Practices of Asynchronous Online Learning to Synchronous Online Learning

Time: 10:00AM EST


Focus on Open Education Resources and Digital Textbooks (panel discussion)

Time: 11:00 AM EST

Link: (you must register for this event)

Focus on Virtual Labs (panel discussion)

Time: 2:00 PM EST

Link: (you must register for this event)

Thursday, November 12th

Friday, November 13th

What proctoring system is right for your organization (panel discussion)

Time: 11:00 AM EST

Link: (you must register for this event)

What New Faculty Need to Know (presentation)

Time: 1:00 PM EST

Link: (you must register for this event)

Closing Keynote: Leadership in Online Education (panel discussion)

Time: 2:00 PM EST

Link: (you must register for this event)