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Citing Sources

This guide provides information and resources to assist with citing your sources and avoiding plagiarism

Academic Integrity @ ACPHS

According to the ACPHS Academic Integrity Policy, plagiarism is "Work that gives the reader the impression that the work, words or ideas of others are the author’s own, without appropriate reference to the original source"  Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:

  • Copying, from any source (other students, faculty, electronic or print publications) information word for-word without using quotation marks, even if the source is referenced in the text or in the works cited page
  • Paraphrasing or summarizing another author’s ideas or research without giving proper credit
  • Submitting a paper or other assignment as original work for more than one course
  • Using someone else’s production (e.g. writing, artwork, photograph, multimedia, video) without proper citation
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation

Citing your sources is an important way to avoid plagiarism.

Avoiding Plagiarism

Intentional plagiarism is what most people think of when they think of plagiarism, but the majority of cases are committed by accident.

  • Paraphrase- Use your own words to express another author's ideas or information and provide an in-text citation and list the source in your list of references
  • Take good notes and keep track of your sources so you can easily cite them later
  • Acknowledge all sources- indicate where the information you are using is coming from in your citation list.  When in doubt, cite.
  • Properly use quotes-when you quote a source directly make sure you include the appropriate quotation marks