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Research Commons @ ACPHS

Collection Guidelines

Collection Management Policies 

Eligibility to contribute 

All current ACPHS students, faculty and staff are eligible to contribute to the IR during the course of their study or employment at the College. Faculty and staff may contribute content created prior to their employment at the College. Contributions are accepted subject to the parameters of the IR’s aims and scope.  

Materials: Content and Type 

The IR accepts work authored by ACPHS faculty, students and staff that is research or scholarly in nature. Work may include formal publications, masters theses, pre-prints, gray literature (research posters, conference papers, academic papers, white papers, technical reports, etc), data, databases, open education resources or any other work irrespective of format. The IR also collects materials held from scholarly conferences and events held at ACPHS. 

The IR collects research and scholarly works in any digital format including but not limited to: documents, audio files, video files, image files, data sets, presentation slides, and computer code. Full-text indexing of submitted works for native search functions is available only for the following file types: .doc, . docx, .txt or .pdf.  

There is currently no formal limitation on the size of the files accepted.  

Additional file types supported are XLS, PPT, JPEG, MPEG, and TIFF. 

Collection dates 

The IR is a platform for collecting works of faculty, staff and students during their time of their employment or study at the College. While employed at ACPHS, faculty and staff may request the inclusion of their work completed prior to their arrival at the College. Priority is granted to works created during employment or study at the College.  


The IR encourages deposit of open access works to make them available to the wider public, expand shared knowledge, and accelerate multi-disciplinary breakthroughs in research. Deposit of abstracts is accepted but open access works are encouraged and prioritized. Embargo periods may be employed to protect sensitive information and allow for future publication in scholarly journals. 


A basic descriptive metadata record is required for all content contributed to the IR. Required elements are: 

  • Title 

  • Creator  

  • Date (Publication or Creation) 

Additional recommended elements are: 

  • Rights (canned rights statements from contributors to choose from) 

  • Abstract  

  • Subjects/keywords 

All metadata elements are coded by the IR using the DublinCore metadata elements: 

  • dc:title 

  • dc:contributor 

  • dc:description  

  • dc:date 

  • dc:type 

  • dc:format 

  • dc:identifier 

  • dc:language 

  • dc:publisher 

  • dc.relation 

  • dc.rights

  • dc:subject 

  • local.departmentprogram  

Corrections and Withdrawals of Content 

The IR is intended to provide persistent access to the research and scholarly works of ACPHS faculty, students and staff. Once deposited, an item will not be withdrawn unless removal is legally required. 

In order to supply access to corrections or retractions, the publisher’s DOI or other persistent identifier that links to the article on the publisher’s website will be provided with the metadata for each article posted in the IR.  

If Library Services is notified of a correction or retraction to a published article, an appropriate notation will be made on the IR record and a link to the notice of correction or retraction will be made. If possible, an updated version of a corrected article will be posted and access to the original version will be maintained as a supplemental file. For retracted articles, access to the original version will be maintained but a watermark will be added to the document to indicate retraction. 

 Under some circumstances a work may be removed from view: 

  • Authors or affected parties may request that works be removed for reasons of factual inaccuracy, plagiarism, or potential copyright infringement 

  • No materials will be removed without an attempt to reach the author 

  • If a work is removed, a citation including original metadata will always remain, with a note regarding the removal: e.g., “removed at the request of the author”