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Student Printing: Student Printing

Changes to Student Printing - 1/10/2016 Email

Dear Students,

Last semester the annual Student Technology Fee was increased by $25 and as a result no additional printing fees were charged to students.  The fee increase was intended to cover the cost of student printing for the academic year (two semesters) and was estimated based upon historical printing habits.  The actual amount printed by students during the fall semester far exceeded estimates  (394% increase in overall printing, 1184% increase in color printing).  Due to this excessive increase in student printing we must establish printing limits for the spring 2016 semester. 

Starting January 11, 2016, all students will be given a $12.50 credit on the Pharos Student Printing System.  This amount represents the remaining half of the Student Technology Fee increase for the two semesters and should provide adequate funds to cover what a student typically prints during a semester.   Students who use up their allotted $12.50 before the end of the semester can continue to print but will billed by Student Accounts on a monthly basis for any additional printing they choose to do.    Student printing credits have no dollar value other than for printing and leftover funds will not carry over to the next semester. 

Printing/Copying Charges:

  • $0.10 for Single Sided, Black & White

  • $0.15 for Double Sided, Black & White

  • $0.25 for Single Sided, Color

  • $0.40 for Double Sided, Color

Please click here for additional Student Printing information.